Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Surgery at Noon Today...

If you are new here, please check out all the way to the beginning to understand why Taylor is having surgery in the first place! A victim of Retinoblastoma when he was 3 years old, he has endured numerous surgeries and radiation. Now 18 year later, Taylor has had the opportunity to get reconstructive surgery to fix the left side of his face where radiation caused the bones not to grow and to fix the eyelids that have needed some "plumping up".

He went in for surgery at 12:55 and we are expecting him to be in surgery for 2 to 2.5 hours. The Dr. told us yesterday that it should only be day surgery We will, however, be staying in the Dallas area for a week or so.

Today: 1) Insert cheek implant through the mouth, slide into place and attach via screw. 2) Remove fat (if you know Taylor, he has zero on the body--but any-who) from abdomen and insert into upper eyelid. 3) Make incision left side of head and work way up to the left temple to file down and smooth the bone paste that was inserted last surgery in April, making more even to match the right temple.

Thanks for checking in on Taylor! Your prayers and well-wishes are most appreciated.

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